Page name: Jonas McKimmly [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-11-05 19:23:15
Last author: XxTsomexX
Owner: XxTsomexX
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Jonas McKimmly

User Name: [XxTsomexX]

Character name: Jonas McKimmly

Mutant Name: EMP

Abilities/powers: His abilities all have to do with electronics. Something in his nervous system creates more electricity than it should, so when he makes any skin contact with an electronic, he shorts it out. He is learning to control the output of energy he puts into it, but he hasn't mastered it yet. If he outputs too much, he can actually knock himself out, and do some damage to his nervous system, causing symptoms that look like MS. However, the effects are only temporary, due to his high metabolism.

Sex: Male

Age: 19, but could look like he is 22/ July 19th

General appearance:
Hair color: Brown with a slight tint of red from his Irish heritage.
Hair style: for a male, his hair is a medium length. Enough to grab when hes frustrated, but not long enough to tickle his ears. Its layered so if he ever wanted to wear it spiky or slicked back, he can. He usually just wears it messy, letting it fall over his forehead.
Eye color: They are an emerald green with spikes of striking blue through them.
Height: 6'1"
Build: Muscular from both his football days, and from cutting wood for his grandmother.

Additional Appearance: Hes got a light tan from being out in the sun a lot. He looks like he could've popped out of a romance novel. He has the faint trace of a scar along the left side of his jaw, and a nick of a scar on his right eyebrow. You cant really see them unless you look really hard, or until he tells you the story and points them out. Hes 100% Irish, and has a slight Irish accent. It mostly shows when hes angry. He reluctantly wears a pair of tan work gloves that are lined on the inside with rubber. His usual attire consists of jeans and some kind of tshirt or tank top, usually white. The jeans vary with different hues of blue, and different holes and tares. He has one nice suit, that he has never worn.

Personality: Jonas is socially inadequate. Living with his grandmother, he never had much social interaction with people his age. He tends to keep to himself, and he isn't usually the first one to start a conversation, unless he finds something interesting about you. Hes flirtatious, and defidently charming. However, he has a slight temper, and it isn't wise to get him mad. When it comes to controlling his abilities, he is impatient and gets frustrated easily. He would love to be able to use a phone like a normal person without shorting it out.
Goal: Jonas is realising slowly that his social inadequacies are getting worse, and that he needs to work on it more. Doesn't want to seem as uptight as he realised Anthony is.

Special Skills: He loves music, and is very talented with an assortment of instruments. He usually keeps his instruments in his room, except for his guitar. He loves to carry that with him sometimes, and plays it to relax.

Place of birth: Nashua, NH.
Weapon(s) of choice: Because his father was killed in war, Jonas has always hated weapons of any kind.
Medical information: He has a high metabolism, so he has to eat in order not to lose energy. He has two scars on his face where he had experimented with a light bulb, and caused it to explode. One scar is right along the left side of his jaw, the other is just a little nick on his right eyebrow.
Brief History: Jonas grew up wit his parents in a small apartment. He ended up losing his father in a war, and his mother hadn't been the same since. He ended up moving in with his grandmother, and that's where he discovered his abilities. He was fiddling with his grandmother's old radio, while it was plugged onto the wall. He got frustrated with it, and all of a sudden the radio started to go crazy, then exploded in his hands in a puff of smoke. He cried for breaking his grandmother's radio, but she just laughed and comforted him. He wore gloves after that and made sure not to touch anything that had to do with electricity. He eventually left his grandmother when he was 19, because his grandmother had to go on oxygen, and he was afraid to harm her. He caught gossip about Xavier's mansion for mutants,  and decided that was the best place to be, and wrote a letter to Xavier, since uwuing a phone or laptop was out of the question.
Relatives: Only his mother, who he isn't really close to, and his grandmother, who he lived with his whole life.

How long your character has been in the mansion: Arrived on November 1st, still feels out of place.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)

Lucas Alexander-- 5 Not Jonas' type of person. Then again, Jonas needs to learn to make friends better.

Justin Alphar-- 6 Obviously the guy likes to get into some sorts of trouble, sending a fork flying into a wall. Should be interesting.

Kyle Bedlington --

Kenna Duncan --

Elizabeth Charms --

Endelyn Hagan -- 5 Pretty nice girl, and cute to boot.

Kobayashi Hisoka --

Mimic --

Daniela Morgan -- 6 Thinks she is nice. Feels a lot better around her now that he has apologised. She's cute, and he's getting curious on how she'd react to flirting.

Mihir Proudclaw --

Eddie Ryder --

Shade --

Korvka Shostakovich --

Vladimir Shostakovich -- 4 Big Russian guy. Seems nice enough.

Light Arely Tilar --

Shana Grace Tilar -- 3 That girl that was in the kitchen a while back...

Adrianne Wagner -- 2 Crazy blue chick.

Nathan White --

Ivan Wright --

Zeke Savage --

Akantha Kostas --

Luloah Esther Akins --

Valerie K. Sprouse --

Jessica Masters -- 6 Likes to flirt with her, and os expecting their time at the movies is going to be good.

Timothy Maxwell --

Catherine Rubell -- 5 A cute girl, but extremely talkative, something Jonas isn't exactly used to.

Magnolia Cassabella --

Elianna Miller --

Anthony Havelock -- 4 Guy needs to learn to relax a little. Jonas knows he himself is uptight, but this guy makes it seem way worse

Lirerial --

Guy Rubel --

Caleb O'Daugherty --

Samuel Crowe --

Sasaiya Moscoso --

Currently Wearing:

Despite it being cold, he is wearing a black t-shirt and loose fitting dark jeans. He is wearing sneakers on his shoes that are old and worn out, obviously from being used. Luckily, he remembered to wear his gloves today, so those are on as well.

And as always, he is wearing his father's old dog tags.

X-Men Characters

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2012-01-02 [Figgy]: Everything looks pretty good, Tsome. Question, though, how do you think his powers would affect Light, if at all?

2012-01-02 [XxTsomexX]: Possibly. It would probably be safe to assume that it would affect her in some way. Perhaps, for instance, if he made skin contact with her, she wouldn't be able to use her power.

2012-01-04 [XxTsomexX]: I hope I can start playing him soon lol. Perhaps after the time skip?"

2012-01-04 [Figgy]: As soon as I get Dur's lazy ass to draw his pic so we can put him up haha. You can start on this day or after the time skip, your choice.

2012-01-04 [XxTsomexX]: Whenever I'm able :) I cant wait.

2012-01-04 [Duredhel]: It's up :O!

2012-01-04 [XxTsomexX]: Yaaaay!!

2012-01-05 [Flisky]: He should definitely get to know Addy after she returns. She will have forgotten modern conveniences like phones and computers. XD

2012-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: They'll get along maybe lol if she can deal with his additude. Its a little harsh, especially when he is feeling awkward, annoyed, or rageful.

2012-01-05 [La Luna]: Laurel's making him feel all three at once xD It's a new record.

2012-01-05 [Flisky]: After three years by herself, I'm more worried about her attitude. XD

2012-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: Lol hes so socially inadequate that it makes him come off cold and somewhat an asshole
He doesn't even know how to apologize properly.

2012-01-05 [Flisky]: And she has trust issues. They're perfectly suited to hate each other.

2012-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: Oh lord lol

2012-01-05 [Flisky]: ^_^ At least they'll anger one another at first.

2012-01-05 [XxTsomexX]: I bet their arguements will be funny ones. Endelyn of course will try to appease the fighting.

2012-01-05 [Flisky]: *laughs* But then of course Addy won't be able to remember her computer password and will just throw the thing across the room. That might make him laugh.

2012-01-06 [XxTsomexX]: It would, and he would probably offer to short it out for her if she is that upset over it.

2012-01-06 [XxTsomexX]: Shes one of those women he would find interesting, so he would probably flirt wit her a little. Same for laurel once she snaps at him. He likes a girl with additude. Shows she can keep up and wont crumble under his own nature.

2012-01-06 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry. Lol when I play a character, I tend to adapt their mindset, so it comes more naturally for me to play them by putting myself in their situation with their personality.

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